Monday, December 24, 2012

Adoption Centere!

Boxer Pet:

Name of Pet: Boxy
Girl/Boy: Boy
Rarity: Rare
Note: 1/2 Boxer, 1/8 Zebra, 1/8 American Football Player, 1/8 Box, and 1/8 Something

Whoever replies to this first gets Boxy, Color-Me-In rights, and the whole entire picture is yours, no longer property of Small and Cuddly, Inc.

Put your username in the one open box, once you get Color-Me-In rights. :clap:


Looking for a small, cute pet to adopt? You've come to the right place-- Small and Cuddly, Inc. (c) trinh6 At Small and Cuddly, Inc. you can get small, cute pets for a bargain--nothing! But, be sure to take good care of him or her!

Name: (whatever you want)
Girl/Boy: Girl
Type Of Animal: Hamster
Rarity: OMG So Rare: There will only be one every year at Small and Cuddly, Inc.
Notes: Has a tendency to escape.

What are the boxes for, you ask. The top box is where you'll put your pet's name. The bottom right (<-----) box is for your username. The bottom left (---->) box is for the rarity of this hamster, which is OMG So Rare!

Whoever replies on this post first gets color-me-in rights and this drawing is totally yours; I will take NO credit! If you want this cute, cuddly pet, be the first one to respond!

Guinea Pig:

Adopt Patches! Whoever responds first gets him!

Name: Patches
Gender: Boy
Favorite Stuff: Carrots, carrots, carrots!
Favorite Person: Whoever will adopt him!
Note: Will chew your socks.

Sorry I posted it on the wrong page! Anywho, whoever gets him, gets to color him in!

Free Present:

The first five people that say
"I want a free pet!"
might just get a surprise on December 30th!

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